Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Often insurance companies will delay going to trial over a particular case in the hopes that the plaintiff will get tired and settled for a smaller amount than they deserve. This low-ball strategy often works because people inflicted with personal harm or injury, or who have been in an accident are often left with limited financial resources. Difficult financial situations often prompt plaintiffs to settle for whatever amount of money they can get.
Lawsuit Cash Companies
Due to the huge number of lawsuits in the United States and elsewhere, there are a number of companies that exist to give cash advances on pending lawsuits.. These funding companies can give you a certain amount of money that you can use to take care of yourself and to pay expenses. The amount of the cash advance depends on your particular case. Policies vary depending on the company you choose to do business with.
Steps To Getting Your Cash Advance
There are normally a few steps to take before you are approved for a cash advance. The primary step is to contact the company you have in mind. You can call them directly through a toll free number, or you can reach them via email. Contact them in the way that is most comfortable to you.
The funding company will have a short application for you to fill out. It is usually very short as they do not need to know about your credit or other financial history. Those things do not matter when getting a lawsuit cash advance. It is the strength of your lawsuit that is important. Many companies will have you fill out the application online. You can also print out the application and send it to the company directly, but mailing the application may add several days to the time it takes you get your advance.
How Soon You Will Get Your Advance
The response period after filling out your application varies. Most companies are prompt and respond to a potential client between 24-48 hours. If the company finds your lawsuit to be strong, it will most likely respond with a proposed cash amount. If you are interested you can accept the amount or ask for more or less.
Your personal attorney overseeing your case is consulted. The role of the attorney is to update the cash advance company on the status of the case during certain intervals.
Before settling on a particular company, doing your research is important. There are a number of companies, such as Legal Advance Funding, that have been in the industry for a long time and have good reputations. Make sure that you choose a lawsuit funding company such as ours, that will forgive the amount you borrow if you do not win your case. Again, you should only have to pay back if you win!
Once again, getting a lawsuit cash advance does not depend on the kind of credit you have. Neither will you will be making monthly payments to pay the debt. That's why a lawsuit cash advance can be better than a credit card cash advance. You have to make monthly payments on a credit card advance. Do you really want that hassle right now? Once your lawsuit is settled the amount you owe the funding company is taken from amount received in settlement.

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