Sunday, October 28, 2018

"I Need A Payday Loan Immediately" - this is a common statement these days which people say when they realize that they need some cash urgently. Financial hardships and emergencies are the main factors that are making payday loans very helpful to anyone who finds themselves in this situation. In most cases, you need the case very fast, and therefore you look for a quick and guaranteed loan approval with no or minimal paperwork such as faxes.
Payday loans are meant to provide a relatively small loan on a short-term basis to anyone who is running short of cash, which may be needed to meet some urgent financial expenses. Most of these pay day loans require you to submit post dated checks while borrowing the money from the lending companies or financial institutions. Thus, these loans provide short-term solutions for meeting any of your financial needs. However, today there are companies that can provide you with a payday loans quickly and without needing a lot of paper work to be done.
Need for Pay Day loans
Many people opt for pay day loans as it gives them the unique advantage of securing easy finances when they are in need of some quick cash. If you have to meet any unexpected situations in life, then these loans can be your savior, especially in times of medical emergencies or accidents when you may require cash immediately to meet your financial needs.
The best part about cash advance loans is that they can be used for meeting your everyday expenses and can be repaid back on your next payday. Unlike other loans, a cash advance payday loan does not entail a tedious process of checking your credit history and the process is much faster with the money being deposited into your account within 24 hours. Besides, it is a safe and secure way of conducting financial transactions as your personal information is not shared with anyone. At the same time, you can avail the benefits of receiving short-term cash from $50 to $500, which is excellent for covering up your financial deficit.
Applying for a online payday loan
It is very easy to apply for payday loans with the increasing number of online options which are available today. However, the loan applicant must satisfy certain conditions to avail the benefits of these short-term loans. The person needs to be employed and must have a stable job which provides him regular income and he has to prove this by giving copies of pay stubs to the lending company. Besides, the person has to be above 18 years of age and a citizen of the United States and must possess a bank account to allow direct deposit of money into his account. To prove that you have a bank account, you may have to provide deposit slips at the time of applying for these kind of loans.
Online payday loans are easy and quick to apply, as they require you to fill an online form by furnishing all the required details, which is matched to a lender who can process your loan request. Generally, a loan representative is appointed to look after your case, who gets in touch with you to verify all the details submitted in the form. Once the verification process goes through smoothly and the loan is approved, the funds are directly put into your account on the next working business day. Using payday loans means you can avail of quick cash to meet most of your short-term financial needs.

With the ability for consumers to easily obtain loans through the Internet, many have become lazy in regards to saving money, viewing loans as an "easy way out," instead of planning ahead and saving money to avoid borrowing. The fact remains that loans, especially payday loans, should be viewed as a LAST RESORT, and not a simple solution. Sure, giving into temptation and spending money on everything we want is easy, but what happens when we face a financial emergency and there are no funds available to cover it?
Loans are always available, but at a premium, since most carry high interest rates. It is time to instill a sense of financial discipline and restraint within yourself. Saving money is the best way to cover a financial emergency and avoid having to endure high interest loans. By having a plan and saving money little by little, a dire situation can be avoided and you can be covered in times of financial need.
The first step in saving money wisely is to set aside money from every paycheck you earn - this could be as little as 10% of what you earn or as much as 50%, though somewhere in the middle is ideal, as you don't want to completely deprive yourself. This method is a good beginners' step to take, and while it may seem difficult at first, it is one of those things that with practice becomes easy as time goes on.
For example, if you receive a paycheck of $1,000, setting aside $100, or if possible, $250, would be a great way to get started on your savings. Over time, assuming you don't have to dip into these funds often, you can afford to save a little less as you will build up a good amount of savings to use as a contingency in case a financial emergency arises. Again, doing this takes a great deal of discipline, but you must remind yourself of the consequences of not saving, namely being broke, period, or having to be responsible for a high-interest loan. Neither is a desirable outcome, which makes this method a good first step in building up savings.
The second step to saving money wisely is to budget your finances and make necessary sacrifices. By knowing where your money needs to go each month, you can have a better understanding of where you stand financially, and how much money you can allow yourself to purchase things you really want. Keep track of every expense - rent or mortgage, utilities, car expenses, groceries, and of course, remember to save all receipts.
If you see that you are spending too much money in one area, you can identify where to make sacrifices. You can perhaps get a more economical cellphone plan, spend less money at the grocery store or dine out less, or if possible, cut down on driving and look into public transportation (which, of course, is easier said than done). Doing this ensures that you know how much you can afford to spend each month on things you want, while having the peace of mind that you can cover a financial emergency should one occur.

Initially, it was quite a tough job to get loan for money seekers as lenders used to ask for any property to pledge against the borrowed money. Moreover, if the money seeker has not cleared their earlier dues, the chance of getting money subsequently reduces significantly. However, it is no more difficult to get loan even if you have bad credibility record.
Cut-throat competition among the lending agencies has propelled the advent of several lenders who have ventured in to this arena, as a result of which today there are listless lenders in the present capital market. One can see, many lucrative ideas which have been specially introduced to allure customers and eventually lenders and borrowers, both are being benefited through it. Undoubtedly, since, the time they have arrived in this field with their dynamic range of loan offers, success has been kissing their feet.
Among such variety, another classification that has managed to attract people, is the phenomenon named as 'Payday Loans No Credit Check'. No credit check here means, even bad creditors can apply for the loan without any fear of rejection of their application. This feature has certainly inspired lot of bad creditors to apply for this genre of liability. Also because, it takes hardly any time to get approval for the amount applied for, hence, it's gaining huge popularity.
It is a known fact that most of the financial organisations, which one would fall back on to resolve the urgent cash requirements will ask for some of the necessary documents. Such verifications assure the credibility and credit history of the applicant. As a matter of fact this process takes much time and not everyone can not wait for that long when in need for immediate cash uplifts. They consume much more time and prove as a hindrance, in lieu of resolving one's financial crisis.
So, for such reasons the most preferable way is to go for payday loans no credit check. However, to avoid any hindrance, one must give all the details including telephone numbers and bank account details to the concerned loan lending authority. You must make sure that form is not incomplete and should not contain any fake or false information on your part as to avoid any time consumption for the procedure. The lender then verifies the candidate's detail for approving the amount in least possible time.
There are very basic criteria that the individual need to follow. Among them the most basic one is that the applicant has to be above 18 years of age. He is suppose to have a permanent current bank account, where the sanctioned amount can be transferred. Since, no credit check is performed, the repayment ability depends on the salary or earnings of the individual. Therefore, a permanent full time job is a must for applying for the payday loans no credit check. By meeting such casual norms one can become an eligible borrower.
Undoubtedly, there are higher risks involved for the lenders as any one can apply for this loan product, irrespective of their credit history. This is why the rate of interest is higher than any category of loan. Though, internet is the best source of getting monetary help, skill full research is advisable to obtain satisfactory result. Moreover, due to enormous competition in the world of finance, several lender are lined up to offer money at comfortable rate for borrowers.
The process of applying is quite simple, either one can opt for online mode or can go about it through an agent. Although, internet is the best option available today as you do not need to put much stress on searching for the best offer and you can do the same sitting at home, at your own comfort. There, at Internet you get dynamic range of options and an opportunity to pick the right payday loans no credit check by comparing their offered rate of interest, terms and conditions.

Oftentimes, as borrowers research payday loans/cash advances throughout the Internet, they come across websites that state that payday loans are for "financial emergencies" without further defining what they mean. It may seem obvious, but in reality many people are left confused by this phrase. A "financial emergency" to one person may be needing money to purchase a satellite dish, while to others it may mean needing to come up with fast cash in order to pay rent or a medical bill.
Of course, a true financial emergency is the latter, and that is precisely what a payday loan/cash advance loan should be used for. Whenever one finds him/herself in a financial bind, a no fax cash advance loan is always a convenient option, as they are always readily available and are completely manageable when one needs financial relief in a pinch. It is important to remember, however, that payday loans are to be used responsibly, as they it is quite easy to abuse them since they are so convenient to obtain.
A cash advance loan can be used in any number of ways, but the following is a "Top 10" list to get an idea as to why using a cash advance loan may be the best option in any precarious financial situation. This list is NOT in order of importance:
1. Your car breaks down, and you absolutely need your car in order to get to and from work, etc. If you need money right away to fix your car, a cash advance loan is a great option.
2. You paid your bills on time, you're in good health, but you are short on money to spend on leisure activities. A payday loan can allow you to have some extra spending money to put enjoy yourself until your next payday.
3. The cumulative amount of your late fees are higher than the low fixed cost of a payday loan. A good rule to remember, as referenced on numerous websites, is that one can expect to pay $15 for every $100 borrowed.
4. The payment for your utilities is past due, and they are about to be turned off if a payment is not made promptly.
5. You are past due on your cell phone bill, and it has already been turned off due to late payment.
6. An impromptu medical emergency requires your immediate attention, and you are short on cash in order to make the payment.
7. You are late on a few credit card payments, and collection agencies are breathing down your neck wanting to collect the debt. Instead of risking a declining credit score, a no fax cash advance can salvage your situation.
8. Rent is due soon, and you cannot wait until your next payday to make the payment. Instead of risking eviction, securing a cash advance loan is a good idea.
9. Payday is two weeks away, and you don't have enough money to pay for basic necessities, such as groceries or gas for your car. Cash advance loans can come in handy in situations like these.

A pay day loan works like other loans but with access to your checking account as the collateral. You write the check including a fee to give to the lender. Then on the designated day the lender cashes your check. Sometimes the lender will have electronic access to your checking instead of holding an actual check. For instance, if you need a loan of $100, you write the check or give access to your checking account in the amount of the $100 plus the fee.
You may have done business with a pawn shop before and if so, you know the collateral (the item being pawned) is what they hold. Your item, when purchased, may have been worth $100, but you will be loaned $20. Your payback to get your item out of pawn, will be the $20 plus about 2% interest plus 20% loan fees for 30 days. For $24.40, you get your item back. Only 60% of pawned items are reclaimed. You may find that a pay day loan is a better option for you.
Ask yourself the reason you need the loan, because not all issues are appropriate for a pay day loan. Most of the time you will just be get caught in a bind and need cash for an emergency. Because you are vulnerable at this point, payday loans are regulated by the state you live in and the CFSA, Community Financial Services Association. This group's main purpose is to put caps on what states can charge as interest on pay day loans. There are states that have no payday loans available through walk-in stores and others who have no state caps. For the states with no caps enforced it is even more important to know exactly what the fees are. Make sure that you have them in writing before you sign for your loan.
All loans come with the burden of payback. If you find yourself getting into the habit of making payday loans for fast cash advances, you may have a problem if you've got several out at a time. Pay day loans are not for long term financial problems. There are many online resources and community financial services that offer advice and help to individuals who find themselves short of cash between paydays.
Payday loans are made as one loan at a time. You can often extend or "roll-over" the loan, but an additional fee will apply. Some states will not allow more than four roll overs on the same loan. Some critics claim that the interest rates certain pay day loan companies are charging are not as good as credit card interest rates when you allow your balance to carry over for long periods of time.
It has been stated by the CFSA that it is a myth for you to think that the payday lenders are out to make a profit on you and your circumstances. You may have every legitimate reason to need extra money between paydays and you should make a wise decision before you borrow money.
Alternatives that are suggested for you are simple. Make your loan now, if you have to, and then work on a plan for putting money away for an emergency that might arise at a later time. Next time you are short on money to pay a bill, you might be able to cover it with your savings instead of taking out another pay day loan. It might take time to learn how to save money but it can be done.

Your rent is due, the car just blew up and your electric bill is long overdue. Which one takes precedence? If you're like most consumers, there are always a myriad of financial responsibilities on your plate at any given time. And, for many of us, these financial obligations must be managed in a timely manner.
However, when your bills pile up quicker than your paychecks, panic ignites. Where do you get the extra cash until payday? You don't want to run up your credit cards, you certainly don't want to ask friends or family members for cash, and your boss simply won't extend you a pay advance.
Cash advances are often a practical solution to a common problem. Cash advances, which require no credit check and sometimes even no documentation, are processed quickly so that you can have money in your hands in a moment's notice. The next time you're sandwiched between your mortgage payment and your grocery bill, you may want to consider the advantages of a cash advance loan.
How to People Use Cash Advances?
Consumers use cash advances for any number of financial obligations, from bills to daily living expenses. The following list, however, details six of the most common reasons people turn to cash advance loans:
1. Credit card payments - We all know that we must pay our credit cards to keep our credit in good standing. If your credit card is due and your paycheck is still days away, you may consider using a cash advance to pay the credit card and avoid late charges, finance fees and a black mark on your credit. Although cash advances come with fees and interest, it is still often a better choice than late fees, and it is certainly is a better choice than raised credit card interest rates because of late payments.
2. Cell phone bill - Most of today's consumers rely heavily on their cellular phones. Therefore, having our phones turned off because of non-payment is not an option for many of us. We use our cellular phones to keep in touch with family and friends and to conduct business, and therefore, it is vital that we keep our cell phone bills current. A practical solution to a late cell phone payment or disconnected phone is to use a cash advance loan to cover the bill until the paycheck arrives.
3. Car repairs - Just like cell phones, most consumers rely on their cars for their daily life. From working and shopping to running errands and picking up the kids from school, our cars are surely an important part of our daily life. If your car needs repairs and your paycheck is still a week away, you may want to consider the practicality of a cash advance to pay for the car repairs.
4. Utility bills - Our water, electricity, gas and phone bills must be kept current so that we can keep the service. If our utility bills are late we run the chance of the service being cut off, which just isn't an option for most families. Therefore, a cash advance loan can be used to cover the cost of the utility bills until we receive our next paycheck.
5. Rent payments - Failing to pay the rent on time can result in an eviction notice, something no one wants to face. Using the services of a cash advance to cover the cost your rent will protect your family from eviction and will prevent a blemish on your credit.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

You wouldn't consider buying a new pair of shoes, a bicycle helmet, or an extra pair of jeans without trying them on first to make certain they fit. After all, a pair of shoes that is two sizes too small will never fit and they amount to money wasted. Shopping for anything - products or services - is pretty much the same. The smart consumer does some research, tries a few on for size and makes sure that the purchase ultimately meets his or her needs in a variety of ways.
Finding the right payday loan to fit your needs is essential. You don't want to end up paying $50 in loan fees for something you could have gotten for $20 from another lender. And, just as shoes come in all sizes, shapes and colors, there are numerous variables associated with payday loans - items like the amount of time you have to pay back the full amount, the loan fees that are involved, and whether or not the lender will allow you to roll the loan over if you can't pay it back on time and how much that will cost.
Repayment Times - When you are searching for a payday loan, you need to examine how long the lender allows for the loan to be repaid. Time is a major factor to consider. For example, you just had a major car breakdown and it will cost $500 to fix it. You just got paid last week and don't get paid again for another 25 days. You have already paid all of your regular bills and have just enough money left to feed your family for the rest of the month until payday rolls around again. You know that you could pay to have the car fixed on your next payday, because you have fewer standing obligations to meet with that check, but in the meantime, you have to get the car repaired immediately so you can get back and forth to work. There are dozens of payday lenders to choose from, but about half of them only loan money for 14 days maximum. That doesn't do you much good, since your payday is 25 days away. Therefore, you need to consider only those payday lenders who can make loan arrangements extending out 30 days. That gives you time to get your paycheck and pay back the loan on or before the due date.
Loan Cost - A survey of Internet payday loan websites reveals that the average loan cost is $25 per $100 borrowed. At this rate, an individual borrowing $500 would actually pay the lender $625 (the amount loaned, plus loan costs) at the end of the loan period. There are a few sites that advertise loan costs as low as $10 per $100 borrowed, in which case the total cost for borrowing $500 would be $550. However, some lenders disguise their actual fees by quoting a rate per $100 and tacking on an additional fee as well. For example, a fee of $25 per hundred, with a $10 additional fee, actually amounts to $35 per $100 borrowed, for a total cost of $675 for a $500 loan. Borrowers should carefully examine the stated loan costs and any fine print that identifies additional fees carefully before entering into a loan agreement with a lender. Be aware that, if your bank account does not contain sufficient funds when the lender attempts to withdraw the amount you agreed to pay, the lender can also charge bounced check fees, which range from $15 to $30. The good news is that increasing numbers of lenders doing business on the web has resulted in some very competitive payday loan terms being available. But, remember to shop around and find a good fit.
Borrowed Amount - The amount that you can borrow from an individual lender is also a factor that needs to come into play in your decision regarding which loan to take. Some lenders loan up to $1,000, $1,200, or even $1,500, depending on the size of your monthly income. Others may only lend up to $500 and, in fact, the average size loan made from Internet payday lenders is $500. How much you apply for should relate directly to how much you absolutely need and how much you can afford to pay back without having to roll the loan over and incur additional loan fees.

There are numerous online payday loans lenders and these come up when you run a search. Immediately you are faced with the decision of choosing one or two. How do you spot the best online payday loans lenders? This article will help you spot and choose the best lenders to deal with. I outline 7 things that you need to look for with any payday loans website. Here they are.
1. Lender, broker or introducer
This is your starting point. The payday loans company or firm should reveal this on their "About us" page or somewhere else on the website. A good lender should readily display the fact that they are a registered lender. Registration information is typically displayed on the footer section of the website.
2. Online presence
As you browse through a website what impression do you gather about it? Do they appear professional? What image do they portray? These are important questions to ask of any payday loans website you will deal with.
Contact details
A good payday loans website should display contact details. Ideally you would want to see a physical address of the registered office alongside opening times and days. In addition they should be a contact telephone number, email and/or a fax number. This information is typically found on the "contact us" page.
Tip: Sometimes it is a good check to ring the provided contact telephone number and determine whether a human being actually answers it and that they make reference to the payday loans company in question. If you are diverted to an answering machine - this should raise concern.
Be equally concerned if an online payday loans lender's website displays neither a physical address nor a contact telephone number. Surely if they are genuine, they should be open about their contact details.
3. About the payday loan
How much is offered
Look out for how much they offer. Companies usually state the minimum and maximum loan amounts they offer. Look out for the maximum amount offered to first time borrowers. If you cannot find this information, look on the frequently asked questions (FAQ) section.
Payday loans charges
There has to be transparency over the charges and interest for borrowing a payday loan. Most websites would have a fees and charges page displaying this information. Also check out late payment fees or default charges should you miss a payment - this information is sometimes on the FAQ.
Most lenders prefer to collect payment from a debit card. Some set a direct debit from your account. Check and establish what means the company will use to collect a payment from you.
4. Payday loan application
Loans criteria
A lending criteria should be readily available for you to review and see if you qualify to apply.
Application process
Next is the loan application process. This should be clearly stated or illustrated. You should know what to expect at every stage of the application. Check out whether the application is done completely online and how long it takes to receive notification of approval. Check to see if you need to submit documents by fax or email. Some lenders may want you to ring and complete the application process over the phone.
Finally check on how long it will take to have the loan in your account once it has been approved. There is usually the ideal option of fast transfers and a BACS transfer which typically takes up to 3 working days and this is usually free of charge.

Summer brings warmer weather and some free time for holidaying with family, but the missing ingredient for some is ready cash at the right time, which is why more families juggle their finances and use payday loans for summer holidays and other seasonal requirements. It can be just as simple as annual leave falling at the wrong time of the month while you are still waiting on their wage to hit your bank at the end of the month.
Typically at this time of year, people are often looking to travel on holiday to other regions and need the funds to do so. Or it can just be that bit of cash needed for some other expenses that typically arise during the summer holidays.
Unfortunately with the poor economy and petrol prices as high as they are, money is often very tight. Payday loans are one option to get the money you need to take a short trip. Short term loans and summer holidays seem to go hand in hand and there are a variety of benefits to using money in this way.
Society has conditioned our children and many of us adults to expect to live what is referred to as "the dream," which generally means having plenty of money, possessions, a loving family and a fun lifestyle when you have holiday time. However this dream may prove to be somewhat elusive.
So the big question is-do payday loans help families live the elusive dream? Let's look at the reality about payday loans firstly.
Requirements are minimal You often do not need much time or documentation in order to get payday loans summer holidays. These are short term loans that will be paid back within 30 to 60 days so the same type of documentation that is required for longer term loans does not apply. For instance all you will need is your driver's license, a recent pay stub from your job, and proof of a checking or savings account. With this information a payday loan business will lend you as much as or a little more than the amount of your next anticipated wage.
Always be cautious when borrowing money Although these types of loans are easy to obtain, you should be very cautious about borrowing money. Lenders that make these kinds of loans often have very harsh penalties in place should a loan not be repaid. Carefully read any contract that you sign so that you know how much these penalties are, how much interest and other fees you are being charged as well as any other elements that should be noted.
Most businesses like this are reputable, however some may not be. It is also very important to pay the loan back as soon as possible. Unlike traditional long term loans, short term or payday loans charge steep interest rates or penalties in the event that the entire amount is not repaid in a timely manner. You may end up paying much more for your advance than you planned.

Times are rough and you are not always smooth sailing all the way. We all know that and probably we all have experienced that. If you are one of the people who have experienced hard times then you would definitely agree that it is not easy most especially if it requires you to acquire a specific amount of money. It is very difficult to get by in these situations.
If this happened back in the days, we cannot imagine how people went through this mess. However, thank God that we live in modern times where problems like these usually have solutions that went along with it. Imagine yourself on an emergency and it requires you to accumulate a specific amount of money. You then checked your credits and realized that you are very short on finances and your next payday is not due until next week. What would you do?
Being in a situation like these sucks so bad because one, you cannot always trust your neighbors, family or friends to spare some cash for you to borrow. If these were difficult times, then they would probably need the money too. It is not always a feasible option. The best option you have in times like these are payday loans.
However, you should be aware of the consequences of not paying the loan that you took. Let us explain further.
Payday loans are what we could call "unsecured loan" given to people with matching high interest rates in exchange for less hassle, less requirements and lack of collateral. Not paying the loan on the date, which you are required to pay it, will give you a lot of problems. These problems are:
·         Higher interest.
·         More debts.
·         Humiliation
·         Ignominy in the society.
·         Harassment from the agency.
·         Emotional damage due to threatening calls and collections.
·         Damage to your credit record.
·         Legal problems.
Payday loans or cash advance loans (they are the same) are loans that you can get if you need money for emergency purposes these types of loans are the best option that you have. These loans are also easy to acquire. Today we will explain it briefly so that you would understand it well. The requirements are quite simple. All you need is a working checking account and employment. When you have these things, you are good to go. You can find this type of loan on various lending investors or lending places. Companies also offer it to their employees.
However, you should always remember that when you applied for this loan, and you were approved. You should also remember to pay it. There are consequences in not paying it on time. Although you might not consider it as something severe, it will cause you more problems in the future.

When you are looking for online loans you have to know that the best type is the no fax no credit check payday loans. This is the type that will not require much more than the electronic signature you put on the documents. You need to know a few things about this type of loan, however, before you get it and sign the papers.
If you do not take the time you have to get the emergency cash you need, then you may end up with something that will not give you everything you really need out of the loan. Your emergency is stressful enough and if you do not get the right loan for you it is only going to get more stressful. Make sure you find the right loan for you before you go forward even if it is a no fax no credit check payday loans.
How Much Can You Get From No Fax No Credit Check Payday Loans?
Many of the no fax no credit check payday loans will give you between $300 and $500 dollars, but a few of them will give you even more. This is a great way to go about getting the money you need when you have an emergency to deal with. If you need more money than that you will have to get either two loans or you will have to prove the income you have each month.
When you need more than $500 you really have to go about getting the money you need in a different way. This is very important because if you try to get one of the no fax no credit check payday loans and you apply without knowing what you can really get, then you will get turned down due to the amount of money you requested.
There are some loans out there that will allow you to get what you need when you need a larger amount. This is an amazing thing to find and usually you can find them from a lender that gives you more than just a month to pay them back. This is because they give you more time to pay the loan back so they are willing to give you more money.
Finding one of these loans is not all that difficult, but it is also not always that easy either. You really have to find the right type of lender and the best place to do this is online. You will be looking for a lender that will be able to give you more than just $300 with the no fax option and they are out there. You just have to look in the right place.
What Type of No Fax No Credit Check Payday Loans Give You More Money?
The best type of loan that is one of the no fax no credit check payday loans and is also one of the one that you can get a larger amount from is the 100 day loan from the 100 day loans company. Since you get a full 100 days to pay this loan back you will be able to get more money with just a signature and a little bit of information.
You have many things to consider and you have to make sure you get the right loan for you. This can be a bit tricky, but it is possible and you can get exactly what you need without much trouble. You will have to go about doing your research online and make sure you can afford the one of the no fax no credit check payday loans you choose to get.

In today's tough economy where a lot of people are in need of financial assistance and too many predators take advantage of their desperation, it is nice to know there are businesses that can offer assistance.
Payday loans have become a $40 billion industry where over 23,000 lenders trying to foster the idea that they are helping out cash-strapped borrowers by offering a payday cash loan when in fact the help really comes from people like Ryan Phillips of Relief, LLC, debt solution and loans consolidation specialists who know the ins and outs of settlement laws and negotiations and work with lenders on behalf of borrowers to stop harassing phone calls and get a fair and equitable settlement.
I caught up with Ryan at his offices in Sherman Oaks, a suburb of Los Angeles, and here's what he had to say about payday cash loans and Relief, LLC.
DH: What is a payday cash loan?
RP: Payday Cash Loans are basically short-term, high interest loans. They are usually obtained from either a walk-in storefront or from a company on the internet. Most people get these high interest loans when they need help tiding them over to their next payday.
DH: Aren't they a good thing in today's economy?
RP: This is a difficult question. I believe there is a legitimate use for payday cash loans if used responsibly. For example, if someone needs money to temporarily hold them over until their next payday and they are 100 percent sure they will pay the loan in full at that time, using this service would be less expensive than bouncing a check or an automated payment.
However, too often when the paycheck comes, people would rather pay only the interest and keep the rest of the money. Before they know it, weeks, even months have gone by and all they've paid is interest payment after interest payment. The problem is that payday lenders bank on the fact that most people won't pay the loan off quickly. I think this plus the lack of regulation in the industry, especially with internet lenders, means that people are often given loans they should not be given.
We see clients that have 15 or 20 payday cash loans totaling over $10,000. We see people who spend almost their entire paycheck just on interest fees to payday lenders. Obviously this can only go on for so long before the person needs to declare bankruptcy. So without some type of regulation to ensure that people do not get in over their heads then this type of behavior by payday lenders will likely continue to contribute to the current crisis of giving out too much credit.
DH: What would you recommend instead?
RP: I would say try borrowing money from family or friends, if possible. I know this can be emotionally difficult, but friends and family won't get you further in the hole.
For those who don't have friends or family they feel they can ask, maybe their employer can give them an advance. It is in the employer's best interest because financial worries can cause stress both at home and on the job.
The most important thing is to be really honest with yourself about how much you owe and when you can pay the loan back -- then weigh your options.
DH: What can borrowers do if they get caught in the payday cash loan cycle of debt?
RP: That is exactly why Relief, LLC was created. We wanted to help educate people and to be an advocate on their behalf when they find themselves caught in this trap of getting one payday cash loan after another in an effort to pay each previous loan off. At Relief, LLC we get into serious negotiations with payday lenders to give the borrower a little breathing room and to give them some time to get their loans paid off. When and where possible we also get them a settlement on the loan to save them money. This is the essence of our loans consolidation program.
DH: Can't borrowers just end the cycle on their own?
RP: Of course, but it is very stressful to try and deal with professional collectors, especially the payday lenders who have structured their companies to be tough with people who don't pay.
And think about it. The borrower is already stressed about not having the money to pay and now they have to deal with the frustration and muster the energy to haggle and negotiate with collectors; collectors who are trained to find any angle to bully, push and work the borrower until they feel they would be better off finding a way to pay just so they don't have to talk to the collector again. Now consider that the borrower probably has five or ten of these loans. It makes it very difficult.
DH: So how are the services of Relief, LLC, different from other payday loans consolidation companies?
RP: Exceptional customer service. We truly care about our clients and want to help them out of their financial stress.
If our clients are being harassed by a payday lender we respond immediately to get collection tactics stopped. Plus we have an excellent track record of getting payday lenders paid off quickly. A lot of other companies don't even pay the lenders until the end of a client's program which can be 6, 9 or 12 months long. This can make things very stressful for the client in the meantime. And we've been told we offer some of the lowest rates compared to our competitors.

If you have the need for quick cash and cannot wait for the formalities of typical loans, then there are many options available to you. One such scheme is that of a fax-free payday loan. This is a great option if you need to borrow a small amount of money for a short period and do not have a credit card to use.
A Fax-Free Loan?
Though the name fax-free or fax-less loan may seem a bit odd it is really in simple reference to the ease at which you can acquire money with these types of loans. Unlike formal loan processes or credit card applications which run a credit and income check, these loans are easy to get and do not require supporting documents to be faxed to the lender - get it?
Details of a Fax-less Loan
These loans are also referred to as payday loans because they are generally given to bridge a person between paychecks when there is a need to pay a bill. They operate similar to credit cards in that they are for a small amount ($100-$1500) and need to be paid back quickly (within 14 to 31 days).
However, unlike a credit card or small personal loan, fax-less payday loans are granted without going through a credit or background check and usually get money to you within a day or two.
What You Need for a Fax-less Loan
There are still some requirements for this type of loan, but they are minor compared to the more formal loan and credit card applications that you are used to. For starters, you need to be a U.S. citizen to qualify. Next, you need to have proof of employment for at least 6 months and need to have a monthly salary over $1,000. You must also be above the age of 18 and have a checking account for the money to be sent.
Applying for Fax-Less Payday Loans
The application process for this kind of loan is really simple. Using the five pieces of information above, all you do is fill out a simple internet form and the processing will begin. Most companies who offer fax-free payday loans will extend credit to almost anyone who applies. Bad credit is not a serious issue with these kinds of loans since no credit check will be run against you in the application process.
Once you are approved for your loan, the money will be in your checking account by a day or two at the most so that you can pay the bills that you need to pay before your next paycheck.
Interest, Fees and Other Details
It is important to note that the purpose of a payday loan of any kind is to provide small amounts of cash for short periods of time. Generally, these loans are used for covering bills between paychecks. The range of money that you can borrow through a payday loan is anywhere from $100-$1500. The payback period is short - generally you need to pay back all the money, plus interest, within 14-31 days of taking the loan. It is also of special note that these loans tend to carry slightly higher interest rates because of their short terms and lack of credit screening.
Is a Fax-Less Loan Right for You?
If you need a small amount of money quickly and will have the funds to repay it within 14-31 days, payday loans are an excellent source for that money. Just remember that to get these loans you need to be over 18 and a U.S. citizen. You also need to have a job for 6 or more months and make more than $1,000 per month. If this is the case, then a fax-free payday loan is the right choice for you.